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Boston University

Grad student from Lexington​,​ MA. Psych major​,​ BU Equestrian​,​ Sigma Delta Tau

I'm Maggie, a senior from Lexington, MA studying psychology and communications. I am a member of the BU Equestrian team and a sister of Sigma Delta Tau sorority, Alpha Xi chapter. I also served as the Standards Chair for my sorority.

About me

  • SchoolBoston University
  • GenderFemale
  • Current academic yearGraduate student
  • Age25
  • Admission typeAdmitted as a transfer student
  • Academic focusPsychology
  • Personality typeSomewhat introverted
  • College experience ratingGood


Lexington, MA





Extracurriculars activities

  • Greek life
  • Club/Organization
  • Job/Internship
  • ROTC
  • NCAA varsity sport
  • Recreational sport
  • Student government
  • Community service
  • Religious/Cultural group
  • Art/Music/Performance
  • Study abroad
  • Other

Clubs, organizations & involvement

BU Equestrian Team, Sigma Delta Tau sorority. I also volunteer fostering shelter dogs with my roommates in our off-campus apartment.

Housing experience

  • Dorm
  • Off-campus house or apartment
  • Fraternity or sorority house
  • Home (Commuter)
  • Other

Describe your college experience

I had a bit of a rocky transition to college- I spent my freshman year at Tulane University, which turned out to not be the best fit for me. After taking a gap year and making the decision to transfer to BU, my college experience has greatly improved. I’ve been able to make friends through my extracurricular activities and have had a lot of great professors in the College of Arts and Sciences and School of Communications.

Favorite class

Drugs and the brain because it’s extremely interesting learning how different types of chemicals affect the human brain. The professor is also a dynamic lecturer.

Career goals

I’d like to work in marketing for a technology company.

Ideal way to spend a free night

I like to check out a new restaurant with some friends.

High school or secondary school

Lexington High School in Lexington, MA (USA)

Previous college

Tulane University

Meeting point

Rhett Bench on the Boston University campus

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