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Become your best guide

Resources to help you become a great SchoolScoops guide

Make your tour personal

Make your tour personal

SchoolScoops tours are different (and better) than traditional campus tours because they’re highly personal. Remember, your guest requested you as their guide because they identify with you and want to hear about your college experience. That’s why it’s necessary that you’re the person giving the tour.

Be honest

Be honest

Your guest doesn’t want a sales pitch, they can get that elsewhere. They booked your tour to get your honest opinion. Don’t diss your school, but also don’t sugarcoat anything. Just tell the truth about all of the awesome and not-so-awesome things about your school. And if you don’t know the answer to one of their questions, just say so and don’t make it up.

Be reliable

Be reliable

Your guest is paying money for their tour and deserves a good experience. Treat bookings like a job commitment and be welcoming, kind, engaging, and punctual.

Be prepared

Be prepared

Remember back to when you were in your guest’s shoes and think about what you would have wanted to know and the questions you had. Review your guest's messages to see if there's anything specific they want to learn on their tour. We've also curated a list of questions you should review to help you prepare for tours.

View questions
How can we help?

How can we help?

We're here to help you on every step of your hosting journey

Help Center
Topics and questions

Prepare for your tour

View a curated a list of questions to help you prepare for your SchoolScoops tour

View questions
SchoolScoops Ambassador Program

Ambassador Prorgram

Refer your classmates to SchoolScoops and earn money when they host tours

Learn more