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College of Charleston
Squash playing finance major. Hailing from Reston, VA.
I am a Senior at the College of Charleston. I live off-campus but just a stone’s throw away from student center off Coming Street. I love College of Charleston because it is such a different college experience than those of other classic, southern schools. School pride? None of that here. City pride? Big time. Everyone who visits Charleston falls in love with the town. The town is first and foremost. In my free time, I love to try new breweries and restaurants in town.
About me
- GenderMale
- Current academic yearSenior
- Age21
- Admission typeAdmitted as a freshman
- Academic focusBusiness/Finance
- Personality typeExtroverted
- College experience ratingAmazing
Reston, VA
Extracurriculars activities
- Greek life
- Club/Organization
- Job/Internship
- NCAA varsity sport
- Recreational sport
- Student government
- Community service
- Religious/Cultural group
- Art/Music/Performance
- Study abroad
- Other
Clubs, organizations & involvement
Alpha Tau Omega (Greek life), Schottland Scholars (Business School program and society), Jewish Student Union, Real Estate Club
Housing experience
- Dorm
- Off-campus house or apartment
- Fraternity or sorority house
- Home (Commuter)
- Other
Describe your college experience
I went to boarding school for grades 9-12. I loved it. I loved it so much that I was not looking forward to college. I was nervous about experiencing the world beyond my tiny boarding school bubble. In my first week at the College of Charleston, I texted a friend from high school who was a year older than me and was a Sophomore at CofC at the time. We weren’t the closest of friends, but I knew she had a good head on her shoulders. She introduced me to some friendly guys who would end up being my fraternity brothers. I ended up rushing and pledging in the fall semester of my freshman year, despite not initially wanting to rush.
Favorite class
My favorite class was Polarization in American Politics, which was my First-Year-Experience (FYE) class. An FYE is a required class, topic of your choosing, for all freshmen. It was a small class with lots of deep discussion in American politics. This class really taught me how to think critically, analyze data, and come up and defend theses. After taking this class, I wanted to be a Political Science major. And then…a girl I was seeing convinced me to major in something that has job prospects, so I became a Finance major
Career goals
Work in real estate development. What is great about College of Charleston and being in a city is that all of my friends had jobs outside of class. Jobs and internships are extremely prevalent in the City of Charleston, and you almost have to pick-up something outside of class to get ahead of your peers. I have had several internships outside of class that I think will form my career path in a promising way.
Ideal way to spend a free night
King Street
High school or secondary school
Mercersburg Academy (Mercersburg, PA)
Previous college
Meeting point
Porters Lodge on the College of Charleston campus