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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Freshman @ MIT (Computer Science + Math)

Hey there! I'm Laura, a current freshman at MIT from Northern Virginia. I plan to double major in Computer Science and Math. I'm also interested in business, entrepreneurship, and science policy. On campus, I'm involved in a wide range of clubs as well as student research. I would love to share my experiences with attending MIT and applying to college!

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

About me

  • GenderFemale
  • Current academic yearFreshman
  • Age18
  • Admission typeAdmitted as a freshman
  • Academic focusComputer Science
  • Personality typeSomewhat extroverted
  • College experience ratingGood


Vienna, Virginia


Computer Science, Mathematics

Extracurriculars activities

  • Greek life
  • Club/Organization
  • Job/Internship
  • ROTC
  • NCAA varsity sport
  • Recreational sport
  • Student government
  • Community service
  • Religious/Cultural group
  • Art/Music/Performance
  • Study abroad
  • Other

Clubs, organizations & involvement

Society of Women Engineers (Board Representative), Harvard-MIT Math Tournament (Outreach Associate), MIT Informatics Tournament (Outreach Team), Women Business Leaders, StartLabs, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, Social and Ethical Responsibilities in Computing Scholar, MISTI Global Teaching Labs (Ghana), Asian Dance Team, Figure Skating Club

Housing experience

  • Dorm
  • Off-campus house or apartment
  • Fraternity or sorority house
  • Home (Commuter)
  • Other

Describe your college experience

MIT is such an inspiring and vibrant community! There are plentiful opportunities, from paid research under professors and weekly panels with MIT alumni to fully-funded travel abroad programs and club partnerships with leading companies. Although the classes are very challenging and time-consuming, I'm learning a lot and becoming a more persistent, flexible, and collaborative problem-solver. My peers are all incredibly intelligent but also always willing to lend a helping hand. Even though I'm busy, I'm still finding ways to have fun, such as by taking a figure skating class, trying out restaurants around Boston with friends, and attending various performances both on campus and in Boston.

Favorite class

I'm really enjoying Real Analysis (18.100B), which is a proof-based math class covering limits, continuity, sequences, and more. It's really interesting to approach math from a fundamental level and build a system of numbers and operations from axioms. For example, we proved that 1+1=2 in class! The problem sets are difficult, but it's always incredibly rewarding when I'm able to solve a proof problem after a lot of experimentation and error.

Career goals

I hope to pursue a career in quantitative finance or work at a technology startup.

Ideal way to spend a free night

I would love a nice dinner in Boston, followed by a walk along the Charles River, and then poker in a dorm lounge.

High school or secondary school

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (Alexandria, Virginia)

Meeting point

Alchemist by Jaume Plensa Statue on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus

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