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Florida State University

Junior Finance and MIS major at FSU

Hey! I’m Josh and I am currently a junior at FSU. I got my AA during high school and now I am pursing a double degree in Finance and MIS. I love golfing, watching Orlando Magic basketball, or hanging out with my friends in my free time!

Florida State University
Florida State University

About me

  • GenderMale
  • Current academic yearJunior
  • Age18
  • Admission typeAdmitted as a freshman
  • Academic focusBusiness/Finance
  • Personality typeSomewhat extroverted
  • College experience ratingAmazing

Tour type

  • Campus tour
  • Video chat


Clermont, Florida


Finance, Management Information Systems

Extracurriculars activities

  • Greek life
  • Club/Organization
  • Job/Internship
  • ROTC
  • NCAA varsity sport
  • Recreational sport
  • Student government
  • Community service
  • Religious/Cultural group
  • Art/Music/Performance
  • Study abroad
  • Other

Clubs, organizations & involvement

ALPFA, Business Student Leadership Council, Engage 100 teacher, and High School AA mentor.

Housing experience

  • Dorm
  • Off-campus house or apartment
  • Fraternity or sorority house
  • Home (Commuter)
  • Other

Describe your college experience

So far college has been incredible. Going four hours away from where you lived your whole life sounds hard, but it’s very easy to acclimate here. Being in such a beautiful campus, with so much to do, and getting a great education while you’re at it makes the FSU experience great. Every night there is something to do and the people here are great. The education is challenging but that’s what you want and need to succeed.

Tip for future students

High school and University are night and day. There is nothing to play with here and slacking off will cost you. Do not procrastinate! Set up study habits and times to tackle your classes and don’t let work pile up until it is due. These classes are hard and without the correct preparation, you can fall extremely behind.

Favorite class

My favorite class has been Risk in Business and Society, a look into how insurance is a part of our everyday lives. To me, this was one of the most interesting classes i’ve ever been in. Learning the probability of why things occur, why companies do what they do, and how to set yourself up to succeed incase anything happens to you is key. The professor for this class, Chuck Nyce, is also one of the funniest and most informative professors out there. He really cares and wants you to succeed in and out of the classroom.

Career goals

I hope to pivot into the financial tech sector, combining two of my favorite things and working in the financial side of cloud storage and computing.

Ideal way to spend a free night

The best way to spend a night is to group up with friends and get food and walk around together. Being stuck in your room or going out every night isn’t the best way to do it, but being with the people that make you laugh and you want to hang out with makes school much better.

High school or secondary school

Lake Minneola High School, Minneola Florida.

Previous college

Lake-Sumter State College, I got my AA through dual enrollment.

Meeting point

Westcott Fountain on the Florida State University campus

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