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University of Southern California

Sophomore Music Industry Student @ USC

Hi I'm Taylor! I'm a 2nd year Music Industry student at USC. I love all things music, but also love spending time reading, hanging out with my friends, and exploring!

About me

  • SchoolUniversity of Southern California
  • GenderFemale
  • Current academic yearSophomore
  • Age19
  • Admission typeAdmitted as a freshman
  • Academic focusLaw
  • Personality typeSomewhat extroverted
  • College experience ratingGood


I'm from Mooresville, North Carolina


BS in Music Industry


Public Relations

Extracurriculars activities

  • Greek life
  • Club/Organization
  • Job/Internship
  • ROTC
  • NCAA varsity sport
  • Recreational sport
  • Student government
  • Community service
  • Religious/Cultural group
  • Art/Music/Performance
  • Study abroad
  • Other

Clubs, organizations & involvement

I interned at Nacional Records my freshman year.

Housing experience

  • Dorm
  • Off-campus house or apartment
  • Fraternity or sorority house
  • Home (Commuter)
  • Other

Describe your college experience

The initial transition to college was a bit rough, as I was moving across the country to a very unfamiliar place. It was easy to make friends however and everyone is super welcoming. Now in my second year I have a solid group of people who I love very dearly, and I enjoy campus life and my studies!

Favorite class

So far my favorite class has been my freshman year Writ 150 class (though it may end up being overtaken by my current live music class). I took Writ with Andrew DeSilva, and both enjoyed the topic of the class as well as his teaching methods. He was super responsive and attentive, and I believe my writing greatly improved with his guidance.

Career goals

After USC I hope to go to grad school and pursue both a Law degree as well as an MBA.

Ideal way to spend a free night

During the week I like to spend my free nights making myself dinner and reading or watching a movie with my roommates. On the weekends I enjoy getting dressed up and going out to a party once or twice!

High school or secondary school

Lake Norman High School, Mooresville, NC

Meeting point

Tommy Trojan Statue on the University of Southern California campus

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