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I am a female junior attending the University of Maryland College Park.
Yvette B
University of Maryland
USC Freshman Biology and Cinematic Arts
Tyler P
University of Southern California
Hello! My name is Ava and I am a student at the University of Illinois Champaign
Ava L
University of Illinois
Undergrad Student at Boston College
Amanda C
Boston College
Cate Sophomore at Wake Forest University
Cate H
Wake Forest University
FSU Student
Casey K
Florida State University
USC guide
Jeffrey T
University of Southern California
First-year student at UCLA majoring in Business Economics
Adora M
University of California, Los Angeles
Freshman from Minnesota majoring in
Thorn K
Florida State University
Your Tour Guide & Friend - Inspiring Future College Students
Isabella K
College of Charleston
Your Friendly Guide to All Things Florida State
Lauren M
Florida State University
Junior at Florida State, studying
Social Sciences
Hector R
Florida State University
Drew A - Senior, Honors College
Drew A
Florida State University
Shayna W
University of Illinois
Outgoing biology nerd who loves everthing ocean
Tex A
University of California, Berkeley
Friendly guide excited to show you around and share what makes PSU awesome!
Gaurav K
Pennsylvania State University
Biology Major (2 years of tour
Ella H
University of North Carolina
Chloe: Tour Guide, Freshman at FSU, Major in
Chloe K
Florida State University
The homie
Don S
North Carolina State University
student at USC with a minor in Global Health - Fight On!
Rae W
University of Southern California
Luke Junior at UGA
Luke T
University of Georgia
Tell M
University of Alabama
An insider tour to CofC!!
Mariana O
College of Charleston
I am a Freshman at UIUC studying Astronomy!
Matthew S
University of Illinois
Tour Guide
Lauren E
College of Charleston
Third Year
Science Student at Florida State :)
Ella M
Florida State University
Student at Virginia Tech
Kayla C
Virginia Tech
Hi, my name is Ayden, I am a first year Mechanical
student at State
Ayden K
North Carolina State University
Hello! My name is Matt and I’m currently a freshman finance major at Penn State.
Matthew A
Pennsylvania State University
Jacob Houston
Jacob H
University of Alabama
Grad Student at UIUC
Anh T
University of Illinois
I am a freshman at Cornell University studying Human
Owen J
Cornell University
Sophmore at UIUC Studying Health Sciences!
Waslat J
University of Illinois
, talkative, and relatable.
Breanna W
University of South Carolina
UPenn Tour
Vidhi P
University of Pennsylvania
I am
, detrmined, and am looking towards the future.
Aaron S
University of South Carolina
Sophomore Sports Management Major
Camryn M
Florida State University
Hello Everyone , My name is Haripal D
Haripal D
Northeastern University
Hi my name is Kaitlyn! I’m a sophomore from Tuscaloosa studying finance.
Kaitlyn C
University of Alabama
Finance major, junior , from Long Island New York
Patrick e
College of Charleston
, lifelong learner, gymgoer, and gamer
Noah M
Florida State University
Non-Degree Seeking Student, Focus in Film and Cinema Studio Arts at UNC-CH
Lukia B
University of North Carolina
Oscar C
Oscar C
University of Michigan
Virginia Tech Tour guide with experience in STEM and
Kai D
Virginia Tech
Senior at the University of South Carolina
Trevor S
University of South Carolina
Senior/First-year Graduate Student
John L
University of Southern California
Outgoing, energetic, eager to share college experience with others
Taylor L
University of South Carolina
I'm Liya and I am a sophomore here at the College.
Ta'Liya G
College of Charleston